The Mafia, The Government, And The Drainage Of Our Tax Pool

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Arrested Canadian Govt Officials Pass Millions Thru Florida

An Old Montreal branch of TD Waterhouse Montreal, is a connecting point for TAX FRAUD operating between Mafia, government, and finance with representatives of both the Rizzuto Family and the Bonnano Family working along side one another.
As MILLIONS of Canadian tax dollars flow over the border, a tithe must be offered to the American Mafia.
We are not accusing TD Bank. 
Why?  Because we believe the money then leaves Florida - specifically, Broward County, by means of small boats, to Bermuda and other Caribbean islands.

USA Citizens -
Apply For Huge Whistleblower IRS Rewards!
Millions Of Canadian Government Money
Passes Through Broward County, Florida Banks
NOT Paying Due IRS Taxes. 
See Names, Maps.
Also report information to
The Charbonneau Commission website.
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